…Jen thinks she’s preggo and her first response? To call her ex-husband!
A source (duh, the one listening in on Jen and Brad’s private convo!) said, “Brad could tell right away by Jen’s voice that something was wrong. That’s when Jen confided she was late on her monthly cycle and thought she might be pregnant, before asking Brad point blank how he felt about it.
“He calmly told her that if it was true, it wasn’t a bad thing; that she should just stay calm and look at everything as sensibly as possible.”
The phone-conversation spy said, “He let her pour her feelings out because he could tell she needed to,” the source added. “Jen didn’t go into specifics about who she’s slept with, and Brad never asked her. But he did say she should go and get a test done to find out if she really was pregnant.” Clearly, Jennifer Aniston wouldn’t be smart enough to GET A TEST DONE TO DETERMINE IF SHE’S PREGNANT OR NOT.
Spy added, “And Brad also told Jen not to jump to any conclusions until she knew for sure.
“One part of Brad was happy for Jen, that she might be a step closer to fulfilling her dream of becoming a mom. But a part of him remains confused, because it’s brought back memories of when he and Jen were a married couple and dreamed of starting a family together.” Shouldn’t have CHEATED ON HER BRAD.
So, if you believe all of that, hold on to your hats, because Jennifer is LYING to Brad about being pregnant, because she wants to string him along.
The same source (or maybe a new one?) said, “Brad’s a very trusting guy, but he’s being warned by friends that Jen’s baby revelation could be a ploy to keep him on the hook emotionally, because deep in her heart, he’s the man she really wants to share her life with.”
In conclusion, Jennifer Aniston may or may not be pregnant. Brad Pitt may or may not care either way. And I love Starbucks. See? I’m nothing if not helpful.
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