Salman Khan Seems to be in no mood to bury the hatchet with Shahrukh Khan. A few weeks back he had taken a take a dig at SRK by calling his airport detention as 'no big deal'. Now the actor has termed Shahrukh as the most insecure actor in the industry. In a recent interaction with the media Salman said the if Shahrukh could get rid of his insecurity he would become a nice guy.
The Wanted added that they were good friends as both of them started their career at the same time. But with increase in fame and money Shahrukh's insecurities increased and he could not bear others achieving success around him. Well seems like a new can of worms between the two has just be opened. It will be interesting to see how King Khan reacts to that.
The Wanted added that they were good friends as both of them started their career at the same time. But with increase in fame and money Shahrukh's insecurities increased and he could not bear others achieving success around him. Well seems like a new can of worms between the two has just be opened. It will be interesting to see how King Khan reacts to that.
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