Aishwarya Bachchan was knot to be a very professional actress who hardly threw starry tantrums. But off late the competition from Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif seems to have made her crazy. Recently during the shooting of Vipul Shah's Action Replay Aishwarya created a huge ruckus on the sets. The reason well she did not want any make up artist to touch her other than personal make-up artist Ojas Rajani.
A source on the set reveals Vipul Shah had engaged the best make-up artists in the industry for the movie. While all artists got their make-up done inside the vanity van Ash refused to do so. Vipul was furious with the former Miss World for stalling the shoot but finally relented to her diktats. Aishwarya had done the same thing during the shooting of Bride and Prejudice.
A source on the set reveals Vipul Shah had engaged the best make-up artists in the industry for the movie. While all artists got their make-up done inside the vanity van Ash refused to do so. Vipul was furious with the former Miss World for stalling the shoot but finally relented to her diktats. Aishwarya had done the same thing during the shooting of Bride and Prejudice.
The Vipul Shah directed movie also stars Akshay Kumar, Ranbir Kapoor and Neha Dhupia and is expected to hit the theatres by the end of the year. Well Ash doesn't only lobby for her support staff but she does it for her husband Abhishek Bachchan too. A Hollywood producer who wanted to sign her was asked to sign Abhi too if he wanted her to star in the movie.
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