Your sex life seems to have come under the spotlight now. Any comments?
[Sighs] Well, this great, great Brahamachari seems to know more about my sex life then I may know myself. In any case, now I feel I can truly say that he is not a true 'Yoga' teacher. After all 'yoga' knowledge comes from Adi Shiva, who in Hindu scriptures is active when there is 'Shakti - The Cosmic Female'. For a brahamachari, every woman is 'Maa' and nowhere in 'bharatiya sanskriti' is it written or practiced that you can make sexually motivated comments on any girl; especially by a brahamachaari. He does not know the meaning of true 'Brahamacharya'.
Well, Baba Ramdev has also claimed that he can cure homosexuals?
I can just laugh when he says that he can cure homosexuals by Pranayam and meditation. With all due respect to Baba Ramdev, he 'may' have the so called 'cure' for homosexuality but the point is LGBT community 'does not' see their homosexuality as a disease. The point is no one is interested in buying this 'over the counter' prescription for curing what is not a disease at all. This is what they are and they are comfortable with their self. They are not interfering in anyone's life or religion but unfortunately everyone wants to interfere in their lives and tell them how they should eat, sleep and have sex. It is plain and simple ridiculous!
He has created a clout for him though over a period of time...
But because of that, he cannot become 'Samaaj Ka Thekedaar', right? Yes, I give him credit for contributing to realization and revival of yoga in today's time and date. But this is it. These people prefer to live in a cocooned thought process of their own and do not wish to come out of it. Ok, good for him, it's his fundamental right to speak his mind. We, the youth, too are using our fundamental rights the way we wish to do, so I guess we are even.
So what is it that you wish to tell Baba Ramdev?
That even if he screams from every rooftop of India, the reality is homosexuality will not cease to exist. It is there since the homo sapiens have existed. Also, according to zoologists, even today homosexuality is exhibited in over 15000 species of animals, leave alone humans. Once even Hitler thought that Jews were an impure race and ancient scientists thought the earth was flat but then ultimately truth persisted, right? It is up to people to follow blindly or to respect the truth and slowly come around. Just because some people think LGBT is a threat to the family system, what should we do? Give rise to another genocide based on closed views?
Now Baba Ramdev and several other religious groups have filed a case against the verdict.
All I can say is that the respectable judges of Supreme Court will definitely consider the human rights aspect and the fight against the growing HIV AIDS epidemic in India. I am confident that 'jiska koi nahi hota hai uska khuda hota hai'. Society needs to focus on one issue and it is that for any step towards progression, change needs to come from within. If everyone just takes the responsibility for improving themselves from within by becoming more tolerant, becoming giving, becoming kind and being honest, everyone would be happier and contended. That would lead to a happy and peaceful community.
And your message for the 'aam junta'?
Take your own responsibility first that's it. As for these Babas, they are doing whatever their remote upbringing and closed mindset is dictating them to do. Only togetherness and standing up for what is right can change this mindset. So let's all stop people from being misled by publicity hungry self proclaimed gurus of the society
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