Even as Arbaaz Khan looks forward to the release of Kisaan that sees him teaming up with brother and producer of the film Sohail Khan in a “family drama” set against the backdrop of rural Punjab, he is busy with his debut production - Dabanng. The actor-turned-producer confirmed he has almost finished with the pre-production work on the film, with dates of the lead actors - Salman Khan and Sonakshi, who will be sharing screen space with Arbaaz himself - blocked. Work on the film is scheduled to start mid-September with the unit travelling across towns and cities in India, including Wai in Maharashtra and Jaipur in Rajasthan. While other locations are in the process of being finalised in a week’s time, Arbaaz is confident that the entire film will be shot within the country. This, as according to him, the story demands to be shot on locations around India. With a start-to-finish schedule in the offing, Arbaaz revealed that he is aiming to wrap-up the film by December. The film sees Salman Khan playing a corrupt cop and cousin to Arbaaz.
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