Bollywood glam gal Celina Jaitley seems to have made up her mind to shed her sexy image and transform into a Bhartiya Nari. Well believe it or not Celina who has a large fan base due to her small clothes is all set to leave her skimpy clothes and wear a saree. Celina has become the brand ambassador of a noted saree brand and is endorsing the traditional Indian outfit these days.
Celina said that many of her fans request her to appear in Indian outfits because they feel she will look beautiful in them. She thanked Rohit Shetty for making her appear in Indian outfits in his movie Golmaal Returns. Celina seems to have picked up a few trick of marketing to sell her sarees. It remains to be seen if her large fan base sticks to her when she sheds her glam gal avatar.
Celina said that many of her fans request her to appear in Indian outfits because they feel she will look beautiful in them. She thanked Rohit Shetty for making her appear in Indian outfits in his movie Golmaal Returns. Celina seems to have picked up a few trick of marketing to sell her sarees. It remains to be seen if her large fan base sticks to her when she sheds her glam gal avatar.
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