Contactmusic reports, the King of Pop’s brother Tito told the U.K.’s Daily Mirror, "I feel Michael is free from all the evil he had to encounter because he did not deserve what people did to him.
"That was Michael’s pain, it was more than just a back pain or him burning his hair. It was the pain of him giving his whole heart, his whole creative self, trying to help people, giving good music. And he just could not understand why people were trying to beat him up for no reason at all.
"Michael always wanted people to think he was the greatest. I knew that, millions and millions of people knew that, but the media would never say it. They would never give him his due, even though he he had all the records to prove it.
"They kept him below the megastardom reserved for Elvis and The Beatles. They would never put his name next to them. That’s all he wanted when he was living."
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